24699 Del Prado, Dana Point CA 92629
Rhonda Bateman accompanies her student Daisy at the Danman Student-Teacher Recital in May 2013
Rhonda Bateman accompanies her student Kian at the Danman Student-Teacher Recital in May 2013
Music Lessons with Rhonda Bateman
Voice, Violin, Piano, Guitar
Rhonda Bateman- Bio
Began singing and acting in Elementary School Plays and Musical Theater
Began learning violin at age 8 played into high school
Began singing in a high school rock band at age 16 performed at local and high school venues
Wrote the first song I can remember at age five, starting writing prolifically at age 17 and have been writing songs continuously since with over 120 songs to date
Studied Voice and Music theory in at Saddleback College and performed solo with the jazz group
Member of the original Electronic Music Club and songwriting class at Saddleback College and recorded original song “Hard Lesson” on The First “Electronic Music Club” album.
Composed and recorded original songs for personal enjoyment and performed at weddings and special events for family and friends
Won an Honorable Mention for My Original Song “Rain Dance” in the Billboard song writing contest 1992
Won an Honorable Mention for a children’s story “Pablo Pescado” in The Brant Point Prize Children’s Story Writing Contest 1998
Letters to the Editor Published in The New York Times and The Los Angelos Times Newspaper.
Composed and performed locally with songwriting partner Dan Lefler from 1991 -1995
Took performing hiatus for child rearing for several years….wrote an album of children’s songs during that time
Recorded current album “Wait and See at Danman’s Studio 2007-2009
Currently teaching violin, guitar and voice at Danman’s Music School as well as composing and performing at local venues and private events.
To inquire about lessons with Rhonda, fill out the form below and you will be contacted shortly. For immediate service, call 949-496-6556
Include your phone number if you want a call back